However, upon reaching the Hertz Counter to pick up my rental car, I realized my jacket and small change purse, in which I was carrying one credit card, one debit card, and one shiny California license, were still on the plane. Back to the O'Hare United Terminal I went, in search of my jacket and money and identification. But after calls to the cleaning, gate, and in flight crews, nothing showed up. Unlucky me.
At least I was not traveling alone. I was well fed though not lucky enough to be served alcohol, as that restaurant "Cards Hard." But luckily enough, another co-worker was joining me in two more days. So luckily, my passport and a back-up credit card made their way to Chicago, and I was able to deal with my hotel and food expenses, not to mention my travel home, with no issues. Misadventure #1 could have been worse.
For example, Misadventure #1 could have been Misadventure #2, in which yours truly journeys to Charlottesville, VA for a wedding. And while dancing the night away at the Bachelorette party, puts down her purse in a pile with everyone else's purses. Only to go back to the pile at the end of the night to find the purse - which was holding my passport and phone - gone. Very unlucky me!
Although again, as luck would have it, my lone remaining credit card was holding a tab at the bar the entire time, so it escaped the theft. It is still safe and secure with me, although at this rate, who knows for how long!
To make matters worse, Peru has been rescheduled and is set to begin Friday, September 11, at 12:05 AM! So I spent the weekend canceling cards and printing documentation. I spent Tuesday morning at the DMV. And I am spending Wednesday at the San Francisco Passport Agency, praying that my expired DC license is sufficient proof of photo identification so that I can get a new passport and make it to Peru - the vacation that seems to never get here...
Only two more days to go. Fingers crossed there will be no Misadventure #3.
as chris would say "get it together"